
Done w/ SATs!!!!

I'm finally done with my SATs...

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I hated the experience, it was just too... SURREAL. Anyway, now that I'm done, I can safely toss it all behind me and relax.

With SATs, I made a few decisions. I've decided to go back home to attend PKU (University of Beijing) for university, and if I don't get accepted, I'll just go to Harvard (Hahahahaha.... no). Actually, if I don't get accepted into PKU, I'll probably go to Brown or UCLA or... USC or something in the states. Canada sucks, cannot stand living here.

As I type this, Vancouver is snowing like crazy. Dan told me that Beijing snowed too. I miss my home soooooo much. Beijing for life...!

Since Vancouver is snowing, my shopping trip to Seattle tomorrow is definitely down the drain because the roads will be icy and the freeway will be closed. Noooooooooo!

Since I can't go to Seattle, I'll probably go downtown tomorrow and pick up some goodies. Anna Sui is giving away this totally adorable gift package... I SO want it. And of course, gotta get that Anna Sui mirror for Nicole.

Everyone is going back to China for spring break! Should I? Spring in Beijing is pretty much torture. As much as I love my homecity, I can't stand the sandstorms in the spring time.

Lately I haven't been wearing any make-up. I went for my SAT exam this morning in my sweats and Nike shox. I feel like my fashion sense is draining, because I have this unfightable urge to reach for my sweatpants in the morning. No good...

Oh and I'll do the tag video this week... when I look good and with nice make-up on. LOL.

1 条评论:

Noel 说...

SAT results come out on the 14th! How exciting.