
Self-Proclaimed Tag

Sooo... the dear Miss Couturable has posted a tag on her blog, tagging everyone, and I love tags so I jumped at the chance to do another one. Sorry, no video this time, because my webcam doesn't fit on my new desktop's monitor!

1/ you link back to the person who tagged you.
2/ post these rules on your blog.
3/ share six unimportant things about yourself.

Unimportancy #1:
I'm mildly obsessed with sticker pictures (purikura)! I have hundreds (if not thousands) of sticker pictures of myself and my friends. I have four full mini albums of them and I stick them everywhere! I think I have a mild case of what they call "narssicism"... XD

Unimportancy #2:
Although now I'm within the top 5% of my graduating class at school, I was a terrible student when I went to school in China. I only spent three years of elementary school in China, but since I went to a very prestigious and demanding school, I had on average three hours of homework each night (even in grade 1!) and I just did horrible. I started pulling up my grades in gr.3, because I think I miraculously discovered the joy of being top of the class.

Unimportancy #3:
Every time I return from my annual trip back to China, half of my luggage consists of clothes, shoes, and accessories; and the other half is always books and pirated software/DVDs. Always, my luggage will be MUCH overweight without fail. When I came back from China in September, I was unaware of the fact they changed the luggage limit to 23kg from 32kg, so each of my suitcases were 41kg. Luckily, my friend's mom knew the CEO of Air China, and he personally escorted us into check-in.

Unimportancy #4:
Despite my almost 8 years in Canada, I still think my Chinese is better than my English. In fact, my Chinese is better than most people who spent more time in China than I did. The weird thing is: my mom rarely speaks Chinese to me at home. She talks to me in a melange of English and Chinese, using mainly English nouns and verbs and Chinese prepositions. Weird much? However, I think the reason for my good Chinese is that I write in Chinese alot, and read in Chinese alot, and it doesn't hurt that ALL of my friends are Chinese-speaking.

Unimportancy #5:
I have 5 unfinished Chinese novels sitting in my laptop hard drive that I never got around to finishing. The earliest dates back to gr.6/7 and the most recent one is from last year. The problem is that I can never pry myself from the novel's characters, and every one of the them turns out to be something that happened in my life, which, I don't think it's a very good thing.

Unimportancy #6:
Out of nearly 1000 songs in my iPod, less than 50 are English songs. The rest consists of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, occasionally French, Spanish, and instrumental music.

Now for my time to tag: I tag whoever sets their eyes on this post!!! Muahahahahaha... I'm totally evil!

2 条评论:

Noel 说...

Heh, I failed Chinese school.

k :) 说...

hi, i clicked here from miss couturable. i'm also chinese, and i think it's interesting that you still read & write chinese. i live in a chinese-speaking place and i hardly ever speak all chinese or all english...