
Speech is Killing Me

Haven't been updating much this week, because it's nearing the end of the second semester and I'm busy as hell. Aside from countless projects and tests, I need to churn out a good speech for my public speaking contest next week. If I win the damn thing, I get to go to New York in the summer and intern at the fucking United Nations for two weeks.

Anyhow, I was up till 3am-ish writing my speech. I was looking to Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK for inspiration, and tried to incoporate some powerful metaphors. It turned out ok, but I still need to tweak it before presenting it next Thursday.

I have yet to pick out my outfit for this event. They said not to dress evening formal, since it's not a super formal event. I have two outfits in mind, both of them look quite chic, but not so formal. I've yet to decide whether I want to go shopping for this occasion or not. But we'll see.

My external hardrive fucked up, now I don't know how to transfer my 1000 songs from my laptop onto my new desktop. It's so fucking frustrating! I can't just plug in my iPod and get the music either. Fuck!!!!!

I'm downloading some games I used to play, but it got too laggy on my laptop.

I'll do a beauty-related post next week, because I have lots of products to talk about, both good and bad.

1 条评论:

Fei 说...

Eh? Can't get the music off your iPod? There should be programs that allow you to... I've used Ephpod before. Works like a charm!