
Haute/Ouch Couture

I'm supposed to be working on my social studies project but I'm procrastinating simply because I MUST make this ranting. There is only enough bitchiness I can take in one day and I've had it today. I love my school and all, but the fact it's filled with pretentious nouveaux riches girls just really really kills me. These are girls whose parents had close to no education, who made their family fortune producing canvas potato sacks or beer can labels, who park their Porsches on the street just for the sake of flauting it. I've had enough with these girls trying to act like they're people from Gossip Girl. These mindless girls I go to school with are so fucking ignorant that they take pride in their ability to fail every subject possible while flaunting their so called couture.

First of all, Juicy Couture is NOT haute couture, and Abercrombie is definitely NOT haute couture either. Second of all, there are other haute couture labels existent other than Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior, and even those two, try pronouncing them correctly when using them in a sentence.

Although I dress fobby most of the time, just because I enjoy Asian street fashion, I still love my daily dose of haute couture. I have parents who had proper education and I come from a family of educated people. These girls I'm talking about, they have no breeding whatsoever, not to mention their atrocious manners.

Take for example, this girl who sits in front of me in Math class. She is the fucking epitome of nouvelle riche, and I cannot stand talking to her. Unfortunately for me, she trys to talk to me incessantly. So today, we had a study block in Math, and I was flipping through a copy of Mina, this Japanese magazine, and the model on the front cover was wearing a pair of Christian Louboutins. So, nouvelle-riche-girl turns to me, points to my magazine with her Juicy Couture-ringed finger and exclaims in very rural-accented Mandarin "Oh my god! Her shoes are SO FUGLY! The soles aren't even a normal colour! I mean, it's totally obvious that she got these one sale from like, Harajuku, or wherever they sell discoordinated cheap shoes." I glared at her. HELLO?! Cheap, discoordinated shoes from Harajuku?! Did that girl just say the red-soled Christian Louboutins came from some cheap store in Harajuku? I glared at her again, and said, "No, they're Christian Louboutins." The girl gawked at me as if I was speaking some Martian language, and turned her back to me again, and as she turned she muttered "Whatever, only LV and Dior are REAL labels anyway."

And this, boys and girls, is what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Nouveaux riches girls who think Christian Louboutins are made in Harajuku. Seriously, do they know what Christian Louboutins are?! Do they even know where Harajuku is?!

I was more than happy when Math was over and I rushed to Law, my last class of the day, and to share my rantings with fellow fashionista Sunnie, who also comes from a decent Chinese family. When I told Sunnie, she was laughing hysterically, almost spitting her Starbucks on her Balenciaga motorcycle bag.

Just when I thought I had enough ignorance for one day, I got into even shittier annoyances while I was waiting in line to see the counsellor. I wanted to see anyone but her, whom I've known since grade 8 and was constantly flaunting her nouvelle-riche-ness and her Anna Sui stash. Not to mention she tried so hard to copy every article of clothing I bought to a point where it's beyond the imitation-is-flattery state. She was sporting a knock-off Juicy Couture tote, and a knock-off Bape hoodie. If her family had all that money, why does she still buy fakes?! The shoelaces on her black Converse Chuck Taylors were replaced by pink laces with skull prints, almost identical to mine. Except she wore pink Juicy tracksuit sweats with her Chuck Taylors and I wore mine with my grey Beijing sweatpants. As soon as she saw me, she started ranting about how her mom spent almost ten thousands dollars buying her make-up from Holt Renfrew, among which were La Mer creams and the entire Spring 2008 collection of Anna Sui. I was like totally WTF, since she never wore any make-up except clumpy mascara. She really needed the La Mer though, her skin was breaking havoc...

I mean, not all nouveaux riches people have horrible style, for example, I spotted some very fashionable outfits today. Wendy Yi came back from China wearing faded baggy jeans splattered with paint, paired with a simple white graphic tee and a BCBG plaid wool scarf.

Chinese challenge exam on Sunday! I better get above 95% or else I won't have "face" to face all my ancestors. For god sake I fucking freelance/translate for the Foreign Language Press of China and I edit one of the most popular electronic magazines in China. I better do well on that 7-hr Chinese exam! (Yes, it's 7 hrs, from 9am to 4pm with 20 mins for lunch in the middle)

1 条评论:

Fei 说...

LOL. My jaw dropped at the CL red soles part. Even if I didn't know what CL was, I couldn't act that way because something like THAT might happen. I think after this post I'll notice more of these girls... -_-'