
Best VDay Ever!

SAT scores came out today. I didn't do so hot. Oh well, there are two more sittings I can sign up for! I did okay for what was intended to be a practice sitting. I could've cared less because I had the best VDay ever!

I told Prof. Yates that I wouldn't be over for mentor/work because I had an appointment with my teachers to discuss my topic choice for the public speaking contest I'm going to compete in next month, held by the United Nations. Since the discussion was in my English teacher's room and I have English last period, so I just stayed and talked to her after class.

As I was telling her about my topic, someone appeared at the door, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. I was sitting fairly far from the door, but I could make out who was in the doorway - my gf. My gf was standing at the door of my English classroom holding a huge bouquet of flowers. Surprise much? I bet my expression was pretty contorted but I had to maintain my poise and talk about the rest of my topic outline despite my urge to jump up and down and scream my head off. Instead, I stayed poised like an adequate speaker and delivered the rest of my topic outline. My English teacher was sitting with her back to the door, so I doubt she saw what happened. Since my gf used to go to my school, my English teacher would probably recognize her. I finished up with my English teacher and almost bolted out of the door.

I had no idea my gf would skip the last two periods at her school, get the flowers, and make it to my school. Although our school are both on the west side, it was not within walking distance either. I almost cried. Although I'm not a huge fan of public display of affection, but on VDay, what the fuck, I enjoyed it so much. Luo Di and Nicole and most of my gf's friends knew about this well in advance but no one told me. I mean, I wore no make-up today and my hair was in a messy bun. At least my outfit was decent. Sigh.

The flowers was a bouquet of sunflowers, with 8 hershey's kisses roses scattered among it. It was so fucking beautiful. My gf even carved a pendant for me in the shape of the Chinese character for LOVE (爱) ... it was just really really sweet. And the fact that I didn't see this coming at me made it even better.

I know I sound like a teenage girl in love but that's what I am. I've never known my gf was so romantic in the 5.5 yrs I've known her. My SATs were truly fucked up, but I couldn't be happier.

My mom saw the flowers and I told her who got them for me, and my mom was jealous. LOL.

I'm. so. fucking. elated.
