
Haters / Yearbook

To whoever posted the comment on my post from yesterday: I have thoroughly read your suggestion but by no means will I take it into consideration. Thank you wasting your time to read "Don't Even Try Understanding My Life". Now, please be so kind as to go fuck yourself, because I'm not going to change for anyone, especially not you. I NEVER let ANYONE tell me who I am (or who I'm not), so please get the fuck out of my blog.

But to quote Fei: "You know you've made it when you got haters."


Today the Yearbook advisor approached me with a form. He has heard about my decision to quit Yearbook next year and came to talk to me about it. No doubt, if I stay, I'll be editor-in-chief next year, and being editor-in-chief of the #1 yearbook (for the past five years) in North America is a big deal, and he wanted me to reconsider.

I joined yearbook in gr.10 because I thought it was going to be a unique learning experience and I love computer graphics and writing, which is essentially what the yearbook is about. I even interned with Asatsu Dai-ichi Kikaku (largest advertising firm in Japan) over the summer to get prepared for my role as co-editor this year. However, being a senior member of the yearbook isn't what I envisioned. It's filled with drama, backstabbing, and immature people. Having an editor-in-chief who is absolutely useless doesn't help either. The other co-editors can't grow up and get past the whole back-stabbing drama in order to work professionally and cooperatively. I'm so dissapointed in the yearbook I don't think I can continue with a team like this. I refuse to be a part of, let alone lead, a team that is so subpar.

The only reason we continue to churn out award-winning yearbooks is because we have people who can design, and people who can photograph. This year, we have all those elements but the editor-in-chief's ability (or lack thereof) to keep things running smoothly is taking a toll on our progress and the quality of our work. I see no potential whatsoever in the people who are going to become my co-editors next year, therefore I'm quitting.

I tried explaining it all to the advisor, but clearly he doesn't understand a word I said. Whatever. I can't be responsible for a limp dick of a yearbook when I have college apps and scholarship apps to attend to next year. Plus, I'll be flying back and forth between here and China for my Chinese universities apps and interviews. I don't have the time or energy to devote to this deterioating publication. I simply can't deal with all this shit of he-said-she-said. On top of that, I can't have people sabotaging me every thirty seconds.

Life is so confusing. And today, my mom bitched about my dad again. Sigh. Now I have to call my dad at some ungodly hour at night (after I finish my homework) to sort things out.


2 条评论:

匿名 说...

How retarded? I hate it when idiots post hate comments. I completely agree with what fei said. dont worry about the haters. keep writing!!

Noel 说...

Yay for haters :-P.
I suddenly realized that my blog has achieved success after I started getting really mean emails and comments @_@.