

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I was pretty sick for the past few days. Stomach flu plus my chronicle stomach problems are getting the better of me.

Good news is, I'm on spring break! Two weeks of studying, catching up on sleep, and hanging out with friends.

Went to lunch today with my gf, Jenny, Yii, and Nicole. We had Ajisen Ramen! I hate that stuff. I really do. Getting a seat is horrible, because there's only one Ajisen Ramen in Vancouver compared to the 100 across China and Hong Kong, so the waiting time was substantial. I don't know why my stomach reacts to Ajisen Ramen in this way, but it does! However, my gf and Nicole (especially Nicole) loves Ajisen. Nicole once brought back a suitcaseful of pre-packaged Ajisen Ramen from China. Scary, I know.

After lunch we went to a Chinese bookstore because my gf wanted to get some photography magazines from China, and I had to pick up a bunch of things from the supermarket because I promised my gf I'd cook for her to make up for the supposed "date" on White Valentine's Day (March 14th) -- I think it's an Asian thing.

Anyhow, Nicole's mom drove us home, and I made sushi. It was so nice to have the whole house to ourselves, because my mom's away in Seattle for the weekend. It was romantic; heck, it was beyond romantic. But the downside to staying home alone is that it is seriously scary. As soon as my gf left I started freaking out. Try having 4000 sq feet to yourself with the harsh post-winter Vancouver wind blowing outside. I turned on most of the lights in the house and kept the TV on for most of the evening.

It's 1:40am in the morning, and I just got off the phone with my gf. She was like "Don't go online after you hang up, get some sleep since you're still recovering from your sickness." I was like "Yeah honey, sure I will." And of course, being my insomnic self, I'm online typing up blogs and making my blog rounds.

I really can't sleep.

1 条评论:

Fei 说...

Hahaha. I leave my T.V. on even when I'm only alone in my own room. I just can't stand all that quiet. :\ Hope you feel better! It's no fun being sick on break. My spring break's coming up next week and only for a week. Bleh.